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Home >> Dysautonomia Awareness Month Proclamations

How to Obtain a Proclamation

Asking your local government to issue a proclamation recognizing the month of October as Dysautonomia Awareness Month is a great way to raise awareness about dysautonomia in your community, and you can use the proclamation to get an article in your local newspapers or on your local TV stations. Its best to begin this process in August, as it may take a month or two to coordinate this with your government officials.
 How to Obtain a Proclamation
1. Let Dysautonomia International know which government agency you are going to ask for a proclamation (village, city, town, county, etc.). Email us at info@dysautonomiainternational.org.
We maintain a list so our volunteers don't duplicate efforts. If there is already someone working on the government agency you are targeting, we will put you in touch with them so you can work together to raise even more awareness!

2. Call your local elected officals and ask if they will help you obtain a proclamation recognizing October as Dysautonomia Awareness Month.
When calling be prepared to provide information about the impact of dysautonomia on people in your area. Remember that dysautonomia, neurocardiogenic syncope and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome are not rare!
Be sure to ask the person on the phone:
-Can they help you get a Dysautonomia Awareness Month Proclamation in early October?
-What is the process to get a proclamation?
-Will they allow you to submit a sample proclamation?
-How should you send them the proclamation text: hard copy, an electronic version, or both?

3. Submit the required documents to request the proclamation.
You can use this sample cover letter and proclamation.

4. Mail or hand deliver your cover letter and draft proclamation to the office.
If you don't hear back from the office after a week, follow up on the status of the proclamation by phone and/or email. Persistence pays off!

5. Once the proclamation is signed, arrange to pick it up.
-Some local governments will do a nice proclamation ceremony where you will get called up to speak and/or take photos with the elected officials. This makes great photos for a story in the local newspaper! Dress professionally when you meet with the elected officials.
-Ask if the elected official's press office can help you get the local newspaper to print the photo of the proclamation ceremony, and maybe an article about dysautonomia to go along with the photo, to help raise awareness.
-Ask if the government agency or elected officials have Twitter or Facebook accounts. If they do, ask if they will post about the Dysautonomia Awareness Month proclamation and direct people to Dysautonomia International's website for more information - www.dysautonomiainternational.org.

6. Send Dysautonomia International photos from your proclamation ceremony, a scan or zoomed in photos of the proclamation itself, and links to any press stories related to your proclamation.
Email us at info@dysautonomiainternational.org. Let us know who is in the photos and where the ceremony took place. We will share your accomplishment on our Facebook page. Each time someone does an awareness proclamation, it inspires other patients and caregivers to do this in their hometown!

7. Be sure to thank the elected officials and staff who helped you. Then pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

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