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Home >> Dysautonomia International Tweet-A-Thon

Dysautonomia International Tweet-A-Thon

What is the Dysautonomia Awareness Tweet-A-Thon?
Dysautonomia International hosts the Dysautonomia Awareness Tweet-A-Thon each October, as part of our Global Dysautonomia Awareness Month campaign. With the help of many volunteers, we use Twitter to send educational and awareness tweets to celebrities, media outlets, and other popular Twitter users.

During the first Dysautonomia Awareness Tweet-A-Thon in October 2012, we estimate, conservatively, that we reached about 300,000 people on Twitter in one day. Our messages were re-Tweeted by popular music and media personalities, medical societies and more. We saw a spike in the number of visitors to our website, a bump in our followers on Facebook and Twitter and we were contacted by many new patients and even a few doctors interested in obtaining more information about dysautonomia. That is the exact kind of awareness we are seeking to achieve with the Tweet-A-Thon!

The Dysautonomia Awareness Tweet-A-Thon has grown exponentially each year, reaching more people, raising more awareness. Working together to raise awareness, we can make a difference in the lives of dysautonomia patients!

SAVE THE DATE - the 2015 Dysautonomia Awareness Tweet-A-Thon will be held all day on Monday, October 5, 2015.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest updates on the Tweet-A-Thon, research and other events.
 Dysautonomia International Tweet-A-Thon

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