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Home >> Rally for Medical Research Hill Day

We need cures, not cuts!

2015 Rally for Medical Research Hill Day
Save the date! The next Rally for Medical Research Hill Day will be September 16-17, 2015. Each year Dysautonomia International sends a delegation of patients and caregivers to represent the interests of the dysautonomia community during this event. You can join us at Hill Day or participate from home. If you'd like to attend Hill Day in person, please email info@dysautonomiainternational.org. Participants are responsible for their own travel, lodging and meal expenses.
 We need cures, not cuts!
2014 Rally for Medical Research Hill
Dysautonomia International was proud to be one of 160 organizations that sponsored the Rally for Medical Research Hill Day on September 18, 2014 in Washington, D.C. Hill Day participants included health care organizations, scientific societies, academic institutions, patient advocacy groups, and private industry. During Hill Day we will called on Congress to stop cutting the research budget of the National Institutes of Health and to start investing in our future. Almost all of the research in the US on autonomic disorders and other health conditions comes from the National Institutes of Health.

Your calls, tweets, e-mails and texts are vital to making this campaign a success! Here are five ways YOU can make a difference on Hill Day, September 16-17, 2015:

1. Call Congress

Call your one Representative and your two Senators and ask them to support increased funding of the National Institutes of Health. Their staff keeps track of the issues that their constituents call about, and this really does makes a difference. Visit our Hill Day talking points page for tips on what to say, and look up your congressional members and their contact info by entering your zip code here.

2. Tweet Congress

Find your one Representative and two Senators' Twitter accounts here. If you don't know who your Representative and Senators are, look them up by entering your zip code here. Then send some one of these sample Tweets or your own message:

@(twitter handle of your senator or representative) Please invest in the NIH for the health & economic security of our nation. #RallyMedRes #CuresNotCuts @Dysautonomia

@(twitter handle of your senator or representative) Every $1 of NIH funding generates about $2.21 in local economic growth http://ow.ly/omlvn #RallyMedRes #CuresNotCuts @Dysautonomia

3. E-mail Congress

Congressional members receive e-mails through the contact forms on their websites. Look up the website contact form on the official website of your one Representative and two Senators by entering your zip code here. Use this sample e-mail, or create your own using these talking points.

4. Ask your friends and family to help on Facebook.

Here are some sample posts, or you can create your own.

I am someone/I have a loved one who is affected by dysautonomia. That's why federal support of medical research is so important to me. Congress should invest in the NIH for the health and economic security of our nation, so join me and Dysautonomia International in taking action today.
http://rallyformedicalresearch.org/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=wall&utm_cont ent=grassroots_campa

We have much to lose and nothing to gain by federal decision making that stalls U.S. medical progress, in dysautonomia research and other areas. Tell Congress: We Need Cures, Not Cuts!
http://rallyformedicalresearch.org/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=wall&utm_cont ent=grassroots_campaign=9-18-13hilldayign=9-18-13hillday

5. Write a Letter To the Editor to your local newspaper.

Here's a sample letter to the editor, or you can create your own using these talking points.

To the Editor:

As Congress continues to seek solutions to the many challenging budget issues, I urge Representative [YOUR ONE REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME HERE] and Senators [YOUR TWO SENATORS' NAMES HERE] to make medical research a national priority and oppose cutting funding to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Sequestration has resulted in a 5.1% cut to the NIH budget, which means the impact on jobs and economic activity is staggering: a likely loss of 20,500 jobs across the United States and a $3 billion decline in economic activity. These cuts, layered on top of the existing lack of consistency and predictability in the level of medical research funding, have already introduced tremendous uncertainty in the medical research ecosystem and are encouraging investigators with promising research proposals to pursue opportunities abroad. If lawmakers can't put politics aside to avoid it, these cuts will compromise our nation?s security, global competitiveness, and economic growth.

NIH research funding is an investment in our country's future. I will be watching for our congressional delegation's leadership on this issue.


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