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Home >> Sample E-mail - Rally for Medical Research Hill Day

Sample E-mail to Congress

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Dear Representative_________/Senator______________:

I am writing to urge you to make the investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the health and economic prosperity of our nation. As you are aware, the NIH is the world's leading supporter of medical research; research that has had an immeasurable impact on all of our lives by enhancing public health, lengthening and improving the quality of life, reducing the burden of illness and disability and most importantly, saving lives.

Federal funding for medical research is in serious jeopardy. Since Congress completed the unprecedented doubling of the NIH budget in 2003, appropriations for the agency have remained essentially flat. When factoring in the rate of biomedical inflation, the agency has lost approximately $6 billion, or 20 percent, in purchasing power, which hinders its ability to fund life-saving research at a sustained pace. And as a result of Congress and the White House?s inability to reach agreement on a balanced alternative to deficit reduction, across-the-board reductions known as sequestration have slashed the NIH budget by 5.1% or approximately $1.5 billion. These cuts are particularly alarming because they come at a time when scientific opportunity has never been greater. These cuts will prevent critical research projects from reaching completion and will ensure that other potentially lifesaving research will not even get off the ground.

If we are to address the health challenges of an aging and increasingly diverse population, and remain a vibrant force in the global economy, America needs more investment in medical research, not less. Moreover, NIH funding does more than save lives. The research funded through the NIH is also an engine of economic growth and job creation at the federal, state, and local levels. At a time when Congress is making difficult decisions among competing priorities, we cannot afford to reduce funding for medical research. It is one of the most important investments our country can make, but our ability to do so for the benefit of patients and their loved ones is contingent on a strong, bipartisan commitment from Congress.

I respectfully urge Congress and the Administration to work together on a solution that preserves the nation's investment in medical research, which is vital to our nation?s health and economic prosperity.

I will be paying close attention to your efforts around NIH funding, and hope that your position reflects the needs of all your constituents.



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