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For Physicians & Other Medical Professionals

Dysautonomia International provides patients and medical professionals accurate, up-to-date information on autonomic disorders. All of our medically related web content is reviewed by one or more members of our esteemed Medical Advisory Board prior to publication.

Patients with autonomic disorders usually require a multi-disciplinary team, as autonomic disorders can impact almost every organ and system of the body. While each specialist will have his or her own areas of expertise, it is still important for each member of the patient's team to be familiar with the most up-to-date information on the patient's autonomic disorder.

CMEs and Grand Rounds
Dysautonomia International works with hospitals and universities to organize continuing medical education courses and lectures for medical students on autonomic disorders.

Autonomic Disorders Video Library
Dysautonomia International offers free and fee-based videos from the top experts in autonomic disorders.

 For Physicians & Other Medical Professionals
Summary Articles
First you may want to review our summary articles on selected autonomic disorders. These articles are fully cited to peer review journal articles, many of which are available online for your review. On the left side of each summary page, we provide links to additional peer reviewed articles. We also offer other information on the summary pages that may help you help your patient, such as Lifestyle Adaptations, Exercise Therapy tips and more.

Medical Journal Articles
Dysautonomia International has compiled credible peer-reviewed journal articles on several autonomic disorders, including postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, neurocardiogenic syncope, pure autonomic failure, multiple system atrophy, and autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy.

Underlying Causes of Dysautonomia
There are literally hundreds of diseases and health conditions that can cause a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Dysautonomia International provides a summary of some of the more common associated or co-morbid conditions found in those who have postural tachycardia syndrome and other autonomic neuropathies.

POTS Cheat Sheet
Once you know what to be on the lookout for, POTS is easy to diagnose and surprisingly common, but it's difficult to treat. Here are 10 Facts Doctors Need to Know About POTS.

Patient Education Materials
Well-informed patients can learn to manage their symptoms better. Patients often report that learning about their autonomic disorder gives them peace of mind too. Providing your patient with a source of accurate information during an office visit can help your patient avoid inaccurate information about their condition, which there is an abundance of on the internet. Encourage your patients to find us on the web and on Facebook.

Autonomic Disorders Expert Recommendations
If you are searching for an autonomic specialist to send your patient to for a consult or further testing, please review the physician listing on our Interactive Global Dysautonomia Map. Our Medical Advisory Board members are also a great resource. In addition to the map, physicians can e-mail us at info@dysautonomiainternational.org and we can usually recommend someone informally. Please be sure to include your city or state and the diagnosis your patient has or that you suspect he/she has, since there are certain experts who only specialize in one autonomic disorder. If there is a specific autonomic test you are trying to obtain for your patient, you can mention that too since not every facility has every type of autonomic testing equipment. Please refrain from sending any personally identifiable information about your patient.

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