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Home >> Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

We believe that one of the best ways to reach out to the medical community and the general public about dysautonomia is to encourage experts and sophisticated patients to speak up and speak out about autonomic disorders.

To that end, we have organized a group of talented, dynamic speakers who are available to speak at conferences, medical schools, nursing schools, continuing education seminars, lectures, high schools, and fundraising events. Some of our speakers are also available for expert commentary that is often requested by the media. In addition to providing the speaker, Dysautonomia International can provide slideshows, brochures and other presentation materials.

If you would like to invite a member of our Speakers Bureau to speak at an upcoming event, please contact us at events@dysautonomiainternational.org. Please indicate the date and location of the event, and what type of speaker you are looking for.

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