Dysautonomia International is pleased to announce the election of three new members to our Board of Directors. The newly elected board members are Natasha Graves, MPH, MBA, CHES, Amy Kohut, JD, and Shannon Koplitz.
We are thrilled to welcome these talented individuals. Their long time volunteerism and commitment to Dysautonomia International’s mission, providing awareness for all forms of dysautonomia, and assisting the patient and parent community, is commendable. Their unique backgrounds and diversity in experience are an asset to our organization.
Dysautonomia International also welcomes back returning members of the Board of Directors, Christy Jagdfeld, CPA, Jackie Rutter Gully, and Lauren Stiles, JD.
“We are so excited to have Natasha, Amy, and Shannon join the Board. Their unique skills will help us better serve our patient community and expand the resources we can offer. We’ll also be adding new members to our Patient & Caregiver Advisory Board and Medical Advisory Board soon, to keep up with the continued growth of Dysautonomia International,” noted Board President and co-founder, Lauren Stiles.
As we welcome our new Board members, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to founding Board member Jodi Parker for her eight years of service to Dysautonomia International’s Board of Directors. Jodi organized our very first fundraiser, a pumpkin festival in the Chicago area called “Carving Out A Cure.” She founded the large POTS group on Facebook, which is where Dysautonomia International’s founding Board of Directors first met each other. She generously donates a portion of the proceeds from a book she wrote before Dysautonomia International existed, POTS – Together We Stand: Riding the Waves of Dysautonomia. Jodi decided to pass the torch to new Board members, but she will continue to volunteer with the organization in other ways. Jodi explains, “It was a pleasure and an honor to be a part of such an incredible organization that stands at the forefront of research, advocacy, awareness and support for the dysautonomia community. I want to thank our entire team for their tireless efforts to empower and enrich the lives of individuals living with dysautonomia around the globe. I look forward to the continued growth of Dysautonomia International, and remain committed to helping this wonderful charity in any way I can.“
Read more about our new members of the Board of Directors.
Are you interested in volunteering as a Board member, Advisory Board member, Support Group leader, or in another capacity? We’d love to hear from you! Please contact Kirsten Slowey, Director of Events & Community Affairs, at kslowey@dysautonomiainternational.org.