Volunteer Spotlight: Natasha Graves

Natasha Graves, MPH, MBA is a member of Dysautonomia International’s Patient Advisory Board. She became involved in Dysautonomia International’s online support groups in 2013 and was able to use the knowledge she gained going through her own diagnostic journey to help others. Since then, her volunteer work has evolved into organizing events for Dysautonomia Awareness Month, hosting fundraisers, helping out during the Dysautonomia International Annual Conference, and other projects.


Natasha was inspired to help others. “I knew Dysautonomia International was the positive support system that helps so many through their own health journeys, and the organization that is committed to bringing awareness, ending diagnostic delay, and supporting research to find better treatments, so I wanted to get involved.”

She attended for her first Dysautonomia International Conference in 2018.  Before that, she had never been in the same room with people that were just like her, diagnosed with a form a dysautonomia. “Being around people that knew exactly what I was going through, who didn’t mind if I needed to sit down or take a nap, or put extra salt on my food, provided me with so much comfort and a feeling of being home.”

She is grateful for the relationships that she has made through Dysautonomia International and states, “[h]onestly, I wouldn’t be here today without those people. Never give up. Always believe in and fight for yourself.  You are your own best advocate. When things are seemingly low, remember that you are never alone. Through Dysautonomia International, you are always able to find people that have an understanding of your journey and are here to support you.”

We are grateful for Natasha and all the hard work she has done for our community.
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