This month Dysautonomia International’s Volunteer Spotlight is shining on Lorin Bales, leader of our Alabama Support Group. Lorin and her husband live in Huntsville, Alabama or as the locals call it, Rocket City, for their NASA and missile defense industry. Like most people from Huntsville, Lorin considers herself a nerd, programmer, and lover of all things science. She has loved astronomy and telescopes since high school, which fueled her passion to major in physics, and eventually led to a career as a rocket scientist.
Lorin and her husband have two big, loveable, goofy newfoundlands. And just like her choice in dog breeds, Lorin has a big heart and is intensely determined.
When we asked Lorin what motivated her to start volunteering for Dysautonomia International she explained, “Dysautonomia International inspires me because I’ve seen the impact that the organization and its volunteers have had in the medical community. I’ve witnessed the increase in awareness, the new research paths of causes and treatments, and the rallying that comes from our support groups.”
One of Lorin’s favorite memories of volunteering with Dysautonomia International is when a group of nurses showed up to one of our local events and began asking questions about dysautonomia. “It wasn’t that they had never heard of it, but they were curious about effects beyond dysautonomia with pregnancy. I’ve had many similar experiences outside our events, where I don’t have to explain what dysautonomia is anymore, but can teach people more about how it affects our lives.”
Lorin’s message to the dysautonomia community is, “you will never stand alone. We are here when you are tired, when you feel the darkness pressing in, and you don’t feel strong anymore. We will be here when you finally get that perfect medication regimen, when that test result is finally positive, when you know why you’re sick, and when you are able to return to the things you love. We will wait with you. We’re listening. We are here.”
Thank you for everything you do, Lorin!