Dysautonomia International asked patients to share what lifestyle adaptations they use to help manage their dysautonomia symptoms as part of our #TuesdayTips project. Look out for other #TuesdayTips posts on social media and your tips may be featured on our blog!
Breaking my meals up into smaller meals. If I’m going somewhere that requires a lot of walking or somewhere in a warm climate, I use a wheelchair or scooter The biggest adaptation is always planning when we go places. -Lydia M.
As a nurse, I take electrolyte tablets, wear complete compression hose, and drink NUUN tablets in my water! I salt absolutely everything and take frequent sitting breaks (even if I’m putting in an IV!). I always wear layers so when I have hot spells I can take them off. -Karena M.
Mornings are tough for me, so for mornings where I have to go to work I “automate my mornings” as much as possible, which means I make as many decisions the night before and get things ready so I don’t have to worry about them when I wake up. For example, I set my alarm an hour before I have to get up to take my medications (then go back to sleep) so my blood pressure and heart rate have time to stabilize I also have my medications in a pill container for the day ready to go, and I set out my clothes, pack lunch, and set out anything I need to take with me for the day. -Megan H.
Salt, salt, salt! -Brooklynn B.
Having a pillow and my walker to put my legs up on helps. Plus, the walker allows me to sit anywhere. I couldn’t survive without it. Mine is a walker/wheelchair, and the seat faces forwards and has a footrest so I can be pushed in it and also use it as a walker. -Sarah S.
Before getting out of bed, I drink water and “pump” my legs. Using compression, taking electrolyte tablets, and drinking water – no caffeinated drinks – helps. I also have regular sleep and wake patterns, and my diet is about 80% Paleo. I also read encouraging scripture each day! -Brandie D.