If Simon & Garfunkel had dysautonomia…

For this week’s #SillySaturday humor, let’s find out what would happen if Simon & Garfunkel had dysautonomia.


Hello darkness my old friend
I’ve stood up too fast again
I lose my vision while standing
Bursts of tachy when I am sleeping
And the blood flow is not getting to my brain
So much pain
That’s the sound of my stomach

In restless dreams I never sleep
Can barely walk right down the street
Beneath the halo of an ER bay lamp
My body aches when it’s cold and damp
I’m gonna faint from the flash of a neon light
Don’t feel alright
And that’s the sound of my stomach

On the Dysautonomia International site I saw
We’re 70 million strong maybe more
Doctors interrupting when I’m speaking
Doctors judging without listening
Giving misdiagnoses that they’ve pulled right out of thin air
Some don’t care
Disturbed by the sound of my stomach

Fools I said you do not know
Dysautonomia really blows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my pulse so that I might reach you
But my limbs like spaghetti noodles fell
And echoed through the halls of your clinic

And the patients begged and prayed
Please give us NIH funding someday
Dysautonomia International flashed out a warning
That a huge patient movement was forming
And the sign said
The struggles we all have
are written on Facebook walls
And Instagram
And whispered over the sound of my stomach

Sing along to the original Simon & Garfunkel song, the Sound of Silence. Even better, send us a video of yourself singing these lyrics! Email your video to info@dysautonomiainternational.org.

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